Thursday, February 10, 2011

Song and Video of the Day

Emil & Friends - "Short Order Cooks"

To sum it up: Emil & Friends is incredible. The band consists of only one man: Emil. Who apparently is a regular wizard at producing. The vocals are reminiscent of Dom, while the beat is like something Baths would produce. To put it like Ron Burgundy would: "That's the sound of of baby making music, that's what that is!"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Song of the Day (possibly the year)

IT'S HAPPENING. My most anticipated of the year, and my life actually - "Angles", is almost here. This is the first song released off of it, and it is amazing. The Strokes are my favorite band of all time, hands down, forever and ever. amen.

Julian Casablancas is my favorite vocalist of the decade, and he STILL continues to wow me. The guitars showcase a poppy-er version of The Strokes that I have never seen before. They even threw in some harmonies, which is completely foreign to their sound. I cannot wait for "Angles".

Also: you can download "Under Cover Of Darkness" for free on the band's website for the next 48 hours.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Song of the Day

James Vincent McMorrow

James Vincent McMorrow - If I Had A Boat

James Vincent McMorrow is a brand new find for me and I must say, I feel cheated. I truly wish that I had known of him sooner. The first thing that came to my mind was that he is a -- Bon Iver, meets Brett Dennen, meets City and Colour, hybrid. Which is true... but I almost feel dirty comparing him to other musicians, because his music is so emotionally charged and stunningly powerful. Please enjoy as I am.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Song of the Day

Today's song comes from Foster The People, who have had TWO songs of the day now (the other being "Pumped Up Kicks"). Keep em' coming guys.

This song, "Houdini", is the best techno-pop song I have heard in a long time. Also, Their EP is incredigreat. You can pick it up on Itunes, or Amazon MP3.